Friday 13 February 2009




Organized Crime

nTraditionally known as “mafia”
nInvolved murder, extortion, gambling etc. (domestic and law order problem
nLarge scale criminality, operated by big organizations (with complex hierarchies) (Ryan: 1995)
nAssociated with one ethnic group (Chinese Triads & Tongs-”bamboo network”; Japanese Yakuza; Colombian Drug Cartels; Nigerian Gangs) etc.
nMotives of their activities: economic rather than political (unlike terrorist organizations)

nNow, OC- beyond mafia (global mafia)
nNo longer operates autonomously
nDepends on others for supply and distribution of illegal goods, money laundering and share personnel and resources
nAlthough some still-ethnically homogeneous but now form criminal partnerships
¨-cross border/transnational (thus known as TOC) (eg.: Colombian gangs in the US, Nigerian gangs in SE Asia) (Shelley: 1995)

¨Based in one state
¨But commit their crimes in one (usually in several host countries) when market conditions are favorable
¨Conduct illicit activities (pornography, drug, human/weapons/ trafficking, hijacking, counterfeiting, forced prostitutions)
¨Low risk apprehension (such as: smuggling, drug trafficking and money laundering) (Williams 1994)
¨Conduct cross-border, “no longer based on family/kinship but based transnational (Shelley 1995, 463)
nThus considered as nontraditional threat brought by nonstate actors (& “new security issue?”)
The Rise of TOC

n“Changing international political environment”
¨End of the Cold War; porous borders
nTechnological explosion and economic boom
¨Cheaper commercial airlines, telecommunications, computer networks
nGrowth of international business (global financial system), eg. money laundering
nGlobalization (free trade system etc)
nTribal/ethnic links (migration)
nIncreasing interdependence
TOC as a Threat to Security

nUndermine “civil society”
nUndermine the concept of nation-state
nUndermine human rights (eg.: forced prostitution & human trafficking, etc.)
nLimits freedom of press, etc.
nUndermine rules of law
nUndermine legitimacy of democracies (eg.: corruption)
nThreat to national security: smuggling of nuclear materials
Case Study 1: Human Trafficking

nTypes of Migration:
¨Legal vs Illegal
¨Myanmar to Bangladesh & Thailand
¨Timur Leste to Indonesia
¨Contract Workers
¨Origins: poor, limited economic opportunities, labor surplus
¨Destination: rapid econ. dev., labor deficit

nForces of migration
¨ Source country:
n Poverty
n Armed conflict
n Surplus labor force
n Limited econ. Opportunity
nForces of migration
¨ Destination country
n Economic growth
n Inadequate labor force
Human Trafficking vs Human Smuggling (Similarities & Differences)

nH. Trafficking
¨Between & Within States
¨Man, Women, Children, goods

nH. Smuggling
¨Between States
¨Man, Women, Children, Goods
¨Exploitative and Nonexploitative
Other cases

nNuclear Smuggling
¨Do not need sophisticated aircraft-to transport
¨Issue-disintegration of Soviet Union
nSmall Arms Trafficking
¨Armed Conflicts
¨Ethno-religious issues
nDiamond-AfricaDrug Trafficking

nChanging political environment provides “crime opportunity” for TOC
nTOC is an example of nonstate actors (impossible to deal with non-state actors)
nInsufficient/unsuitable approach provided by traditional security measures
nTOC challenge authority of states
nCooperation from diverse sectors (airlines, banks, freight transportation) and states
nShould be viewed/agreed as “common security”-survival for all

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