Sunday 15 February 2009

Prabakaran ( LTTE ). no more in Vanni. Di Penang ?

Colombo, 17 January, (

Tamil Tiger leader Velupillai Prabakaran has fled the country.

He is now remote controlling the war from outside Sri Lanka. As LTTE leader has deserted his cadres and ran away for his and his family’s safety, at present the moral of the Tiger cadres are very low. Sri Lankan Army source told Asian Tribune that Tigers will be routed completely within March 2009.
When Asian Tribune contacted Army source in the ground in Vanni, he told that when inquired the civilians coming to army sides for safety, almost all of them say that Prabakaran is not in Vanni. They say that he has vanished log stock and barrel, with his wife and two sons, after the Mahaveer’s day. Berita Lanjut : Baca .....

Penghuni Gua : Lapuran tak rasmi katanya ada di Pulau Pinang. PDRM sepatutnya menyiasat. Lapuran dari asiantribune dirujuk. Selamatkan negara kita dari semua penjenayah dan pemberontak asing. Cukuplah apa yang sudah dan sedang negara kita alami. Bagi penduduk Pulau Pinang, awasi. Jika jumpa segera lapur ke pihak polis. Selamatkan negara kita.

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