Tuesday 3 March 2009


I heard that tomorrow there will be a special session after the speaker, Siva has summons all the ADUN to his hall. Why do I said it is his hall? Because he does whatever he wants to it, without observing the laws and the constitution. Its now Siva’s hall, not DUN anymore.
Siva has really crossed the line this time around. Surely he has rammed over the laws and does anything he likes. After the invalid suspension of the MB and the EXCOs, Siva, with advise of his shadow cabinet now had called for the extraordinary meeting tomorrow, likely to issue a vote of no confidence against the reigning MB.
Reportedly, the police have already take over the DUN today, and closed it to disable any events which is likely to take part tomorrow. I am afraid the police are now launching a Coupe de tat, which against the fundamental roots of democracy. The police can take control over the hall to secure any demonstrators from entering it, but they shall not disallow the ADUNs to enter the hall.
I am quite sure that tomorrow there will be a motion of no confidence. This is where they are wrong. Though the MB and the other EXCOs were suspended, the motion cannot take place until all of the majority of the members are present which in this case, doesn’t.
Siva has suspended the cabinet, which is part of the legislature. And clearly the suspension was reportedly to be held as invalid (since the court have not decide yet), as it was a clear violation of the rule of law. There were no right of hearing be given to the suspended members, and of course it was done in a bias mode.
As usual, Siva has missused his power as a state speaker, and has a personal vendetta against the opposite party. Where a speaker shall, acting in good manner and of impatiality, cannot become bias over any decision made by him. Siva is not upholding these principles.
As a speaker, he must read the laws, not make the laws. What a shame, a total disgrace for Perak to have a speaker such as him.

Penghuni Gua : Biasa le Dr. Tambi Siva sedang mabuk kuasa. Dia ingat ini lakonan filem Tamil barangkali.

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