Saturday 27 February 2010


Di Petik dari Blog : Dr Siddiq Azani

I am aware of your recent article which had been published by The Star and also had been deleted in all of the sudden after it catches the eyes of Malaysian people especially the Muslims.
You said that caning a women is unacceptable by law. It against the right to privacy to have sex, and it violated the human rights.

Em, I suggest that you are a Hindu, P Gunasegaram.

I am a Muslim. I don’t complaint the syariah Law, why would you? Should you complaint that my law is redundant, therefore what are you guys doing during Thaipusam?

Doesn’t the kavadi hurts? Wouldn’t that against the law of our Federation which prohibits ourself to injure our own body?

Why are you guys walking along the fire? Why are you guys stabbing each other?

We have never interfere into your religion, my friend because we don’t give a damn to whatever you guys are into with whatever your business might be. We have never told you to stop doing all these kind of things. We have never told you that these beliefs are outdated and against human rights.

But suprisingly, you told us what is better and what is worse. You are more superior than our God.

P Gunasegaram, you have crossed the line. You are too much my friend. Too much.

Penghuni Gua : P. Gunasegaram! Anda sudah lebih. Terlalu lebih. Melampau. Apa jadi kepada negara kita sekiranya setiap penganut agama yang berlainan di Malaysia ini saling mengkritik amalan dan cara beribadat serta cara hidup agama masing-masing? Sila jawab Guna. Sila jawab!

2. Anda terlalu melampau Guna. Anda sudah lebih.................sudah lebih dari patut. Tarak patut! The Star lagi jahanam. Siar tanpa berfikir. Nak test market kot!


  1. si keling paria tidak sedar diri pendatang merempat kat negeri orang mau kritik agama islam kalau kita mau kritik agama hindu ada seribu satu kritik boleh kita lemparkan tapi kami orang2 islam tidak bersifat seperti paria ni demi keharmonian agama di malaysia tercinta ini

  2. tangkap razak baginda sekali. dia dah mengaku berzina. jgn jadi munafik = umno

  3. buat le repot terhadap razak. apa masalahnya. apa nak salahkan kerajaan. buat repot. jabatan agama akan siasat. kalau mereka tak siasat, buat semakan di mahkamah. apa susahnya. mahkamah boleh arahkan razak di siasat. cakap luar buat apanya.

  4. Im sick with hishamudin. I dont know what kind of minister he is, remember when he was education miniter, his special officer hj salim from jempol became super rich, distributed all moe project to all his crony. Doesnt believe ? pls do check this hj salim with umno jempol. This is open secret. And now, as Interior Mnister, what is he doing, nothing, The Star permited publish in Malay. Someone check this Hishamudin, who running around for him now? Im afraid someone gain from this permission, that what happen before.He no nothing about his ministery and his work.Just becouse he ex PM son, he got advantage also appllied to Mukhriz, hope not to najib.Hishamudin better step down now.

  5. Assalaamu 'alaikum sdra PG & yang melayari blog ini,

    1 P. Gunasegaran ini daripada kasta apa sebenarnya? Kalau ikut sejarah, yang paling banyak diangkut masuk ke Tanah Melayu oleh penjajah Mat Saleh dulu, daripada kasta kuli - puak Bhangi [bukan Bangi Selangor] atau Sundra - the untouchable - kasta paling 'najis' daripada segala jenis manusia, sehingga untuk disentuh pun tak layak. Dahsyat! ltu pun dia orang masih boleh percaya... Biarkanlah P. Gunasegaran dgn ajaran Hindunya. Dulu, kalau di ladang-ladang getah, mereka ini - Bhangis dan Sundras - digelar 'paria'... the untouchable - 'najis': tak layak disentuh. Dahsyat..!

    2 Tengok pada nama, dia ni masih Hindu, sebab kalau dah murtad dari Hindu biasanya masuk Kristian, pakai nama John ke, Mathew ke, atau Sylvester...Sylvester Gunasegaran. 'P' tu untuk 'Philip' kot? atau masih kekal 'paria'?. Biasanya kalau pandai berbahasa lnggeris sikit, murtad jadi Kristian - nak bebaskan diri dari segala karut-marut sistem kasta-kasta; apalagi kalau dari kasta Bhangi atau Sundra ini. Jika kekal dalam Hindu, dan nak naik ke tingkat Brahman, jangan mimpilah... Dah Bhangi, kekal Bhangilah. Sama standard dengan Sundras. Ehh... rumit-remut betul...

    3 Kalau diikutkan, puak-puak kasta tinggi - Brahmans, Kshatriya, atau Vaisyas - akan basuh dengan air beras kunyit mana-mana anggota tubuh yang bersentuhan dengan puak kasta Bhangi ni. Dahsyat..! Tak taulah, P. Gunasegaran ini tau lagi ke tidak ajaran suci agama dia ini. Maklumlah, dah lama dan jauh terpisah dari kampung asal nenek moyang.

    4 Kalau ikut Hindu, tak taulah dia ni, bila dia dinkarnasi selepas mati nanti, dia ni wujud berbentuk monyet ke, entah ular ke, entah lembu ke, sebelum layak dapat pas masuk ke nirvana. Ehh... rumit-remut betul ... Tapi, tak apalah... Dah agama dia ajarkan benda-benda macam tu ... biarkanlah saja, Luncai...

  6. Hey!

    In this article, I observed 5 comments before mine.

    First of all, I understood well that you people are the stupidest group of humans on earth...or maybe I shouldn't say humans at all. You people are barbarians.

    What are all of you talking about Indians and Hinduism?

    You people never realize that you people are the lowest caste of people on earth.

    Do you know why? I'll tell you. About a few hundreds years ago in Malaya, Hinduism was the only religion present there and all your ancestors were Hindus. At that time, there was no such thing as the religion,Islam in Malaya. Muslim extremists came accross the seas to convert people in Malaya into Islam. The Muslim extremists from the Middle-eastern countries converted the people of Malaya using black magics, force, and marriage.

    And one more thing. I must warn you about the word 'PARIAH'. The meaning of the word is : a member of one of the lowest social castes.

    The Pariahs are considered as the member of the lowest caste because they eat beef.

    No wonder the largest race present now in Malaysia are eating beef. They are the real Pariahs.

    The last thing I want to advise and tell you people is please come to self-realization. Realize what's the truth!

    Thank you.
