Monday 30 May 2011


[1994] 2 MLJ 135
Milan Auto Sdn Bhd v Wong Seh Yen
Case Details:


Date 4 APRIL 1994
Citation [1994] 2 MLJ 135


Labour Law — Employment — Dismissal — Claimant dismissed without due enquiry — Whether claimant employee within the Employment Act 1955 — Whether enquiry had to be held


The claimant was employed by the company with a monthly salary of RM600 before his services were terminated without notice. It was the contention of the claimant that the company had violated s 14(1) of the Employment Act 1955 (‘the Act’) in that no enquiry was held before dismissal. Therefore the dismissal was without just cause or excuse. The chairman of the Industrial Court held that the claimant, being an employee within the meaning of the Act, could only be dismissed after due enquiry. The company applied for an order of certiorari to quash the award of the Industrial Court.


Held, dismissing the application:The claimant employed with a monthly salary of RM600 was an employee under the Act and the provisions of the Act apply to him. His employer was therefore bound by the provisions of the Act. In respect of employees within the meaning of the Act it was mandatory that an enquiry be held before an employer can dismiss an employee on the ground of misconduct. Section 13(2) of the Act does not apply as under this section, either party may terminate a contract of service without notice only in the event of any wilful breach by the other party of a condition of the contract of service. In this case, the company was relying on the ground of misconduct for the dismissal of the claimant.

Bahasa Malaysia Summary
Diputuskan, menolak permohonan itu:

Penuntut telah digaji dengan gaji bulanan RM600 merupakan seorang pekerja di bawah Akta itu dan peruntukan Akta itu terpakai kepadanya. Oleh itu, majikan beliau diikat oleh peruntukan Akta itu. Adalah mandatori supaya suatu siasatan dibuat bagi pekerja yang berada di bawah maksud Akta itu sebelum majikan boleh memecat pekerja itu atas alasan salah laku. Seksyen 13(2) Akta itu tidak terpakai kerana di bawah seksyen ini, mana-mana pihak hanya boleh menamatkan kontrak pekerjaan itu tanpa notis jika terdapat kemungkiran yang sengaja syarat kontrak pekerjaan itu oleh pihak yang lain. Di dalam kes ini, syarikat itu begantung kepada alasan salah laku untuk memecat penuntut itu.]

Penghuni Gua
: Semuga paparan ini memberi menafaat kepada semua pembaca dan pelajar. MLJ adalah dokumen awam. Ia boleh diakses di Laman Web Jabatan Kehakiman Malaysia. Tq.


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